
Baby & Kids Size Chart


The American, British and Australian sizes are based on the age of the child, while in Europe, Asia and Japan, the size is based on the child’s height in centimeters. Some US sizes include a “T”, which stands for toddler. 


US  UK  Europe / Asia  Australia 
12-18m 12m  80cm  
18-24m 18m 80-86cm 18m
23/24m  24m  86-92cm 2
2T 2-3 92-98cm 3
4T 3-4 98-104cm 4
5 4-5 104-110cm 5
6 5-6 110-116cm 6
6X-7 6-7 116-122cm 7
7 to 8 7-8 122-128cm 8
9 to 10 8-9 128-134cm 9
10 9-10  134-140cm 10
11 10-11  140-146cm 11
14 11-12  146-152cm 12
